The ethics misery in inclusive education: for a political inclusion, more than a social one


  • Rinaldo Voltolini Universidade de São Paulo



Ethics. Inclusive education. Psychoanalysis. Individualism.


The inclusive education politics appears as repairable endeavor of inequalities in a society that pursues the improvement of democratic institutions. The distance between the laws created to guarantee these politics and their effective implementation in daily reality suggests the term ethics misery. In this article, unlike the more common thesis that explores the mismanagement of administrative aspects in the implementation of the inclusive politics, it is raised a hypothesis that this ethical crisis in essence is due to the predominance of the neoliberal individualistic ideology, which sustains the inclusive education. Based on psychoanalysis, it is explored the ground of the word as fundamentals for an inclusion based on participating (political inclusion) rather than belonging (social inclusion).


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How to Cite

Voltolini, R. (2015). The ethics misery in inclusive education: for a political inclusion, more than a social one. Educação, 38(2), 222–229.



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