Academic profession in education. Between commitment, politics and science (1973-1976)


  • Nicolás José Isola Universidade Nacional de Lanús


University. Academic field. Professionalization.



This paper focuses on the characterization of the academic profession in education in Argentina from 1973 until the beginning of the terrible military dictatorship in 1976. These years were traversed by the political processes that impacted in academic field. Since the year 1973 were given in the Departments of Education Sciences at the universities a certain number of projects that generated several reforms against the profession that thought uncontemporaly from that particular moment and from the needs of the State. Reviewing and analazyng them later, becomes evident the notion of commitment that should be professional. Meanwhile, Revista de Ciencias de la Educación was the stage that indicated the lack of specificity of epistemological and methodological discipline Education Sciences. There, in that context, the rethink regarding the own ethos that academics "should have" of the education, at the intersection of immediate political events and features proper to a modern scientific profession.


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How to Cite

Isola, N. J. (2013). Academic profession in education. Between commitment, politics and science (1973-1976). Educação, 36(3), 393–401. Retrieved from



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