Education in Nietzsche and the facing of totalities


  • Lúcia Schneider Hardt Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Education. Pedagogic optimism. Totalities. Formation. Aesthetic-tragic dimension.



This text intends to investigate the category of the "whole" in the educational field as a concept to be understood in Nietzsche. This "whole", in the case of education, implies facing the pedagogic optimism connected to a overvaluation of protection, care, psychologism and compensatory processes. Whatever the pedagogic metanarrative, there is a dichotomic thought that survives through the definition of opposites, establishing procedures to capture a truth understood as more adequate. It relates to a rationality compromised with redemption and idealism. It negates the aesthetic-strategic dimension of knowledge and the formation processes while absolute one single perspective and learning itinerary. Through the discussing of a polemic theoretician, we intend to problematize such a perspective by presenting elements to think of formation, considering other aspects such as rigor excellence, the aridity of processes, the quarrel.


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How to Cite

Hardt, L. S. (2013). Education in Nietzsche and the facing of totalities. Educação, 36(3), 344–351. Retrieved from



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