Escándalos de corrupción mediada

Una posible tipología



Palabras clave:

Escándalos mediados, Corruppción, Sistema de medios


This essay proposes a possible typology of mediated corruption scandals: market-driven corruption scandals, “custodians of conscience” corruption scandals, politically oriented corruption scandals. This typology is proposed in connection to the different social and political contextual conditions within which scandals develop. Particular attention is placed on the nature and the proceedings of the media system and the journalistic professionalism connected to each type of mediated corruption scandals. The essay insists also on the necessity to go beyond the usual attention that is placed on the western world that addresses most of the studies on corruption scandals: this represents just a minor part of the observable corruption cases. Literature on corruption and on media studies constitutes the basis for this essay.


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Biografía del autor/a

Paolo Mancini, University of Perugia (UniPG), Perugia, Úmbria, Italy.

Professor at the Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Università di Perugia (UniPG), Perugia, Úmbria, Italy and in many other Universities in Italy and in other countries.


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Cómo citar

Mancini, P. (2020). Escándalos de corrupción mediada: Una posible tipología. Civitas: Revista De Ciências Sociais, 20(3), 390–398.



La lucha contra la corrupción: estado del arte y perspectivas de análisis