Artificial intelligence adaptive learning tools

The teaching of English in focus



Palabras clave:

Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIEd), English as a Foreign Language (EFL), Adaptative Learning Systems (ALS), The P21 Framework


This paper explores the field of Artificial Intelligence applied to Education, focusing on the English Language Teaching. It outlines concepts and uses of Artificial Intelligence, and appraises the functionalities of adaptive tools, bringing evaluative feedback on their use by American school teachers, and highlighting the importance of additional research on the matter. It was observed that the tools are valid media options to complement teaching, especially concerning adaptive learning. They offer students more inclusive opportunities: they maximize learning by tailoring instruction to address students ‘needs, and helping students become more responsible for their own schooling. As for teachers, their testimonials highlight the benefits of dedicating more class time to the students’ most pressing weaker areas. Drawbacks might include the need to provide teachers with autonomy to override recommendations so as to help them find other ways to teach a skill that seems to be more effective for a specific student.


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Cómo citar

Orsi Koch Delgado, H., de Azevedo Fay, A., Sebastiany, M. J., & Cortina Silva , A. D. . (2020). Artificial intelligence adaptive learning tools: The teaching of English in focus. BELT - Brazilian English Language Teaching Journal, 11(2), e38749.


