Domestic violence in Afrânio Peixoto “Sinhazinha” (1929)
Afrânio Peixoto, Female., Regionalism, Romance, Domestic violence.Abstract
The purpose of this article is to present the panorama of married life in Brazil during the nineteenth century, from the context of domestic violence described in the regionalist literature of the Bahian writer Afrânio Peixoto. For this purpose, two of the micronarratives that surround the main plot of the book – the stories of Pia and the “Cabocla do Catulé” – will be analyzed in the novel Sinhazinha (1929) – whose theme is concerned with describing the relationships of love and hate that are present in the fatal involvements of the characters. The perspective of the study is related to the debate on the power of patriarchy, male
supremacy and female submission according to the reflections of Gilberto Freyre (2004), Mary del Priore (2009, 2013, 2016) and Raquel Soihet (2017), among others.
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