Introspection and literary creation: the underground side of the Cardosian characters


  • Márcia Melo Araújo UFG


introspecção, Lúcio Cardoso, novelas, literatura brasileira.


This article is about Inácio, O enfeitiçado e Baltazar, novellas by Lúcio Cardoso published in a single book. These novellas represent a kind of rite of passage in the author’s life, taking into account that in O enfeitiçado, he adopts, for the very first time, the form of memories, a characteristic which was structurally based on Crônica da casa assassinada, the novel which made him notorious as a Brazilian writer. Our goal is to demonstrate how the author creates his narratives, stressing the importance of introspection and the technique of probing the characters’ minds who narrate the plots mentioned. According to this point of view, the author uses memory as a supporting point and reveals a common world to everyone who wishes to decipher the mystery which lies upon the other and the universe.


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Author Biography

Márcia Melo Araújo, UFG

Aluna de doutorado em Letras e Lingüistica da UFG; Mestre em Letras e Lingüistica pela UFG; Professora substituta da UEG - UnU Pires do Rio - GO.



How to Cite

Araújo, M. M. (2009). Introspection and literary creation: the underground side of the Cardosian characters. Letrônica, 2(1), 341–352. Retrieved from