A dialogical approach to the concept of “escrevivência”, by Conceição Evaristo

an act of resistance through discourse





Becos da Memória, Escrevivência, Heterodiscourse, Resistance


In this article, we aim to dialogically understand the term “escrevivência,” proposed by the Brazilian researcher and writer Conceição Evaristo, broadening the discussion of the concept through the dialogical analysis of the novel Becos da Memória. Our reflections are built on two analytical axes: a) “escrevivência” as an act of resistance and the reverberations of this self-writing in the discursive construction of the characters in the novel; b) “escrevivência” as a place of confluence of dialogized heterodiscourse and the tones of denouncement reflected and refracted in the discourse of the focused novel. Through these analyses, it is possible to glimpse self-writing as a place for (re)constructing memories, as an act, as existing in the world. In this sense, the Brazilian slums gain body, voice, and meaning: through the facts in a puzzle, dialogically guided by the narrator, the reader grasps the play of social forces that sustains the ambiance of the slum. Social and subjective values such as love, hatred, solidarity, violence, friendship, and individual and collective survival emerge from this writing, producing resistance in contemporary society.


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Author Biography

Kelli Machado da Rosa, Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Literature at the Federal University of Rio Grande (PPGLetras/FURG). Her research is developed in the area of ​​Linguistics in interface with the areas of Social Communication, Literature, Sociology and Education. She coordinates the research project “Relationships between ethics, discourse and media: research under a dialogic perspective”, based at FURG.


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How to Cite

Machado da Rosa, K. (2024). A dialogical approach to the concept of “escrevivência”, by Conceição Evaristo: an act of resistance through discourse. Letrônica, 17(1), e46134. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-4301.2024.1.46134

