Images and words in children and juvenile afro-brazilian literature

deconstructing prejudices




Afro-brazilian literature, Children and juvenile, Prejudice.



 Built in the school space, the fraternal relationship of two adoles­cents, Anderson and Fabinho, is strengthened by the wisdoms of Candomblé, in the work Modupé, meu amigo, by Stefania Capone and Leonardo Carneiro (2015), illustrations by Victor Tavares, selected for this paper. The authors take care, throughout the work, of deconstructing prejudices along the narrative and highlight specific vocabulary of African matrix religiosities, contributing to a wider comprehension of its presence in our language and culture. The rereading of words of bantu origin, in Falando Bantu, by Eneida D. Gaspar (2011), illustrations by Victor Tavares, and the creation of words, like the ludic poetry in Caderno de rimas de João (2016) and Caderno sem rimas de Maria (2018), by Lázaro Ramos, both illustrated by Maurício Negro, fulfill valuable instants of literary reading and listening, while signifiers and meanings are uprooted of the brazilian everyday’s language and slip through the gaps of literary language. In this paper, the aim is to analyze, in this works, the verbal and non-verbal languages and how they contribute to deconstruct prejudices. For this debate, we highlight studies by Stuart Hall (2006), Sanara S. Rocha (2018) and Grada Kilomba (2019).


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Author Biography

Maria Carolina de Godoy, Universidade Estadual de Londrina/Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras, Londrina, PR, Brasil

Associate professor at the Department of Vernacular and Classical Literature at the State University of Londrina. Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Literature at UEL and guest researcher at the Contemporary Culture Program at UFRJ. CNPq Productivity 2 Scholarship.  


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How to Cite

de Godoy, M. C. (2023). Images and words in children and juvenile afro-brazilian literature: deconstructing prejudices. Letrônica, 16(1), e44326 .



Literatura infantil e juvenil contemporânea