The picture book as a work of art: dialogues in Museu desmiolado
diálogos em Museu desmiolado
Children’s literature, Visual analysis, Poetry, Visual arts.Abstract
This article analyses the Brazilian picture book Museu desmiolado, written by Alexandre Brito and illustrated by Graça Lima, which is aimed at children. The book is composed of poems and, on each double page, presentes a type of museum. What prevails as a continuum in the book is the theme of museums, the nonsense and the intertextuality with the visual arts. From that, the objective of this article is to analyze visual elements present in some museums, their relationship with the poetic verses and their approximation with works of art or artistic periods. The investigation of these elements was based on studies by Biazetto (2008), Farthing (2011), Fittipaldi (2008), Nikolajeva and Scott (2011), Proença (2007) and Ramos (2010) through a qualitative approach and document analysis. The visual reference to artistic creations and the theme make the book configure itself as a gallery that invites the reader to stroll through different art works in each turn of pages. Thus, the picture book is a work of art accessible to readers and it takes them on a journey through the history of art and through the word’s meanings.
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