experienced word, with Eucanaã Ferraz
Poetry and Childhood, Reading education, Eucanaã Ferraz, Poetic listening of the sight, Reading mediationAbstract
Since Poemas da Iara (2008), Eucanaã Ferraz does not label himself as a children's poet. His “censorship-free” poetry doesn’t limit childhood in terms of time, putting between parentheses the language, the writing and the words. His intentional non didacticism requires from the adult, writer and reader, the overcoming of the school imagery reserves who domesticate the imaginary. Eucanaã affirms that every poetry is demanding and that he doesn’t facilitate it for the children, as facilitating in creation is a misunderstanding of the senses. Author of Bicho de sete cabeças e outros seres fantásticos (2009), Palhaço macaco passarinho (2010), Água sim (2011) e Em cima daquela serra (2013), Eucanaã explores resources that provoke the children’s interest, even when the poetic voice isn't from the child or there are exacting tematics. In this article, we acknowledge the “pedagogy of the sight”, referred by the author in Cada coisa (2016) and investigate exclusively it’s verbal concretization to the consolidation of the imaginary. Open listening that demands as much seeing as hearing.
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