Gender agreement acquisition between N and ADJ by Brazilian children




Language acquisition, Grammatical gender, Gender agreement, NP, Psycholinguistics.


This article investigates the identification and processing of gender agreement in Brazilian Portuguese (BP), considering the elements of categories N and ADJ, and if there are differences in the use of these different cues (the final vowel of the N or in the final vowel of the ADJ) by children between 3 and 5 years old. Studies have investigated which elements in DP may be used as morphophonological cues by children between 18 and 42 months, for identification and acquisition of elements that manifest gender agreement (in the NP and in the DP), in languages such as French, Canadian French, BP, Spanish and Czech (VAN HEUGTEN; CHRISTOPHE, 2015; VAN HEUGTEN; SHI, 2009; CORRÊA; NAME, 2003; LEW-WILLIAMS; FERNALD, 2007; SMÓLIK; BLÁHOVÁ, 2018 ). Other have explored how children, between 30 and 33 months, attribute gender to pseudonouns, in BP and in Spanish (CORRÊA; NAME, 2003; TREJO; ALVA, 2013). The results show that children from 3 to 5 years old preferred the final vowel information to assign gender to the pseudonouns, with no significant difference between masculine or feminine conditions; they recognize the high pairing between the final vowel of nouns and grammatical gender and use this information to assign gender to new nouns. 


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Author Biography

Olívia Fernandes Bogo, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.

PhD student in Linguistics in the Postgraduate Program PhD in Linguistics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, working in the Letras research line, mind and brain. She is a researcher at the Laboratory of Syntactic Access (ACESIN-Lab). He is a scholarship holder in the modality PhD grade 10 from the Carlos Chagas Foundation Son of Research Support from the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ). She has a master's degree in Linguistics from the University Federal District of Juiz de Fora/MG. Graduated in Literature (Portuguese Literatures, Italian Literatures, English Literatures-Literatures) also from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora/MG.


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How to Cite

Fernandes Bogo, O. (2023). Gender agreement acquisition between N and ADJ by Brazilian children. Letrônica, 16(1), e44175.

