Construction of meanings in verbivocovisuais utterances
A three-dimensional view of the cartoon genre
Discursive Genre, Dialogism, Verbivocovisuality, Construction of Meanings, CartoonAbstract
This article consists of an analysis of the genre cartoon, by Bakhtin’s conceptualization of discourse genre and dialogism. The objective is to verify how the construction of meaning occurs in cartoons, based on the study of its constitutive components and the dialogical relations that genre establishes with other statements in the process of discursive interaction, considering, for this purpose, the three-dimensionality of the verbivocovisual language. This work results from a bibliographic research, in a theoretical and applied nature, supported by a qualitative approach. Theoretically, it is based on the notes of Bakhtin’s Circle (BAKHTIN, 2014, 2016; VOLÓCHINOV, 2018, MEDVIÉDEV, 2012) and by what we have called commentators of Bakhtin’s writing in Brazil, such as Fiorin (2018), Brait (2005, 2015, 2018,) Rojo and Barbosa (2015), Paula (2017), Paula and Serni (2017), Paula and Luciano (2020a) and Paula and Luciano (2020b). The analysis suggests an understanding of the cartoon as a genre whose verbivocovisuality is quite representative and, just because of that, it is expressive with an open dialogical set of meanings. Finally, the theoretical perspective of Bakhtin’s Circle is potentially important for the study of different genres, including those of a markedly verbivocovisuais nature, due to three aspects: the expression of dialogical mechanisms; the ideology that constitute language and the axiological charge of linguistic-discursive choices.
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