The Imperial Petrópolis by the Spanish Carmen Oliver
Ethnographic translation, Travel writing., Culturemas, Carmen Oliver de GelabertAbstract
The present article aims to analyze the narrative written by Carmen
Oliver de Gelabert entitled Viaje poético a Petrópolis, based on the paradigm of description in ethnographic translation, that is, the social reality apprehended from the “seeing”, transformed into language; the effort to transform the traveler’s gaze into writing, as Laplantine (1996) explains to us. Its relation to interlingual translation (FERREIRA, 2017; JAKOBSON, 2011) as the reality that is happening in a foreign language is being transmitted to the reader in the language of travel writing, however, there is always the presence of exotic terms that may appear in the story discreetly or prominently. In addition, we will add the classification and translation categories of culturemas elaborated by Molina (2006, 2011), which led us to understand the domestication of the travel narrative written by Carmen Oliver.
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