The female authored literature in Brazil: a study on the trajectory of Francisca Júlia




Francisca Júlia. Literary historiography. Female authorship. Parnasianism. Symbolism.


This article aims to consider the poetic trajectory of Francisca Júlia da Silva Munster (1871-1920), a writer from São Paulo who published four books: Mármores (1895), Livro da Infância (1899), Esphinges (1903) and, finally, in partnership. with his brother, published Alma Infantil (1920). The poet was one of the precursors of the feminine insertion in the literature from a feminine perspective, thinking the woman’s body in the literature from a woman’s perspective. The writer faced a social system based on patriarchal values and female silencing, but reached singular recognition in the literary setting of that period, yet it faded over time until the writer became forgotten on library shelves and lacking visibility and recognition in today’s scientific studies.For the theoretical basis, some critics were considered to support the discussions, especially the critical studies by Ramos (1961) and Camargos (2007), based on the poetic trajectory of Francisca Júlia and in the reach of her name, either in the mid-twentieth century,in the years following his death.Besides these, other theorists were used to understand the themes and the way their poetic production is organized.


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Author Biography

Jaqueline Ferreira Borges, Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), São Carlos, SP

Mestra em Estudos Literários, pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU, Uberlândia, MG, Brasil), doutoranda em Estudos de Literatura pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) em São Carlos, SP, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Borges, J. F. (2020). The female authored literature in Brazil: a study on the trajectory of Francisca Júlia. Letrônica, 13(1), e35148.