Afrodescendent Colombian Literature: Afrofeminina voice in the Poem “Negra Soy” of Mary Grueso Romero
Afrocolombian literature. Afrodescendent. Afrofeminina voice. Mary Grueso Romero.Abstract
Women’s space in Afrocolombian literature has always been secondary, since in the first authors that figure this type of writing there are no female names. However, Afrofemale writing gained space from the first anthology of Afrocolombian writers entitled ¡Negras Somos!: Antología de 21 Mujeres Poetas Afrocolombianas de la Región Pacífica (2008), built by Guiomar Escobar e Alfredo Zamorano, giving visibility to several afrodescendent poets. Therefore, this research aims to present how the Afrofeminine voice is represented in Afrocolombian literature, through Mary Grueso Romero’s poem Negra soy, highlighting female authorship and female protagonism in the literature. The study showed that their writings keep alive the history and ethnic-racial identity of this group through poetic production. The research will be conducted through a literature review. For this, the authors Espitia (2012), Palmeira (2012) and Zamorano were used; Escobar (2008).
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