Epistemological disputes and ecology of knowledges in two novels written by women in Brazil
Brazilian literature. Ana Miranda. Conceição Evaristo. Epistemological disputes. Ecology of knowledge.Abstract
In a decolonial perspective, this article visits two novels, written by Brazilian authors, whose protagonists are also women: Amrik, by Ana Miranda, and Ponciá Vicêncio, by Conceição Evaristo. The notions of epistemological disputes and the ecology of knowledge of Boaventura de Sousa Santos serve as an impetus to identify which knowledge is at stake in the narratives and to understand how they relate, blend or oppose western hegemonic knowledge. This political and literary analysis shows us that the diversity of the world, in its inexhaustible character, does not admit a single adequate epistemology, but demands an ecology of knowledge that encompasses the equally inexhaustible diversity of non-canonical experiences of knowledge.
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