The trajectory of Rosa Maria Egpcíaca and the cultural silencing of Africans in Heloisa Maranhão’s novel
Rosa Maria Egipcíaca. Historiographic metafiction. Revisionism. Slavery.Abstract
This study seeks to analyze the novel Rosa Maria Egipcíaca da Vera Cruz (1997), by Heloísa Maranhão, showing how this narrative revises the historical reality of the colonial period and rescues aspects related to the feminine condition and the cultural erasure of the Africans enslaved. Therefore, it will be analyzed the relation between fiction and the historical document based on the research of Luiz Mott (1993) about african Rosa Maria and the novel written. Therefore, the characteristics of the historiographic metafiction coined by Linda Hutcheon (1991) will be investigated, as well as how the of these historical issues are articulated in the narrative, taking into account the trajectory of the character Rosa Maria Egipcíaca.
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