Women and literature: voices of recognition, transgression and identity
Afro literature. Women. Poetry. Identity.Abstract
This article examines the roles of the voices of black woman writers who represent their condition both individually and collectively. For that, we will focus on the poetry of the contemporary Brazilian Cristiane Sobral and the poem “Me gritaron negra” by the Peruvian Victoria Santa Cruz (1923-2014) comparing how both artists identified themselves as Black women and their self-affirmation, in the literary field, through the representation of multiple voices and the ancestral roots. In our theoretical framework is structured in Deleuze, 1977; Bernd, 1988; Spivak, 1988; and Stuart Hall, 2005. It is important to emphasize how identity is
constructed from the Other’s view in debate with or her own system of thought, therefore, we will see how the connections established between the multiple voices present in the poems reaffirm their ancestral roost and “identification” as “an ongoing process” (HALL, 2006), which is not as a finished and fixed work.
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