Illustration and photoliterary complementarity: the case of Nadja, by André Breton
Literature. Photography. Illustration in complementarity. Nadja.Abstract
This article proposes to describe and to analyze the photoliterary relations present in Nadja (1928), André Breton’s first prose narrative, as well as to
analyze the effects of the senses generated in the whole of the work. In our discussion, we will base ourselves on the basic concepts of Photoliterary (MONTIER, 2008 and 2015) and we will analyze this book, with emphasis on some textual excerpts and on some photographic images inserted in
Breton’s work. From this perspective, we will also reflect on the connotative potential of photography and, finally, we will intend - from such investigations - to understand the interactions and the interferences established between the text and the image, in order to defend the existence in this work of a form of illustration in complementarity.
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