Liaisons between literature and Benveniste’s enunciative linguistics: words that enable listening to interrogations
Theory of Enunciation, Discourse, Society, Subjectivity.Abstract
This paper approaches liaisons between literature and enunciative linguistics derived from Émile Benveniste’s theoretical postulations. With the purpose of reflecting on such relationship, it proposes to consider literature as an (inter)subjective experience which attests human condition in language and thus establishes itself as a research topic for enunciation researchers. From this point of view, it firstly reviews the ways through which the interface between Benvenistian linguistics and literature has been established; after that, it approaches some of the enunciative theory’s principles, according to Benveniste, articulating them with a notion of literature as a human experience, as stated by Candido; finally, it conducts a brief analysis of the short story entitled O Espelho, by Machado de Assis, which is considered as a theoretical fact of analysis that enables the inclusion of Benvenistian enunciative linguistics’ framework.
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