Subjunctive is not only the uncertainty mode
Subjunctive, Sociolinguistics, Future projection.Abstract
Based on sociolinguistic researches conducted with Brazilian Portuguese data, the aim of this paper is to present evidence that the subjunctive can not be directly considered the uncertainty mode, as predict by the normative Brazilian grammars. Results of these studies highlight two different situations: (i) the use of subjunctive in the context of future projection; and (ii) the use of subjunctive in the contexto of certainty, specifically within the scope of certain connectors of the causal and concessive adverbial clauses. Principles from Functional Linguistics, like the subjunctive association to future projection (GIVÓN, 1995) and the use of subjunctive as a subordinate mood (BYBEE; PERKINS; PAGLIUCA, 1994) support the results of sociolinguistics researches.
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