Do you speak cantano? An analysis of the deletion of /d/ in gerunds in spoken speech of Maceió/AL
Variationist sociolinguistics, Portuguese of Alagoas, Reduction in gerunds.Abstract
In this paper, we analyze the deletion process of /d/ in gerunds in the city of Maceió/AL. Therefore, we developed a research based on variationist sociolinguistic from spontaneous speech data provided by 30 participants from Maceió. The results, obtained through multilevel regression methods, pointed out that the deletion of /d/ in gerunds is favored among men. There is no statistically significant difference among ages, which is evidence that it is a process of permanent variation. In relation to the linguistic variables, it was found that deletion is directly proportional to the length of the word and is related to the following phonetic context, and the context ‘vowel’ is the more favorer of the deletion process.
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