Languages in contact and linguage diversity: regional lexicon in gaucho music
Lexicon, Music, Education.Abstract
The diversity of languages in the world allows many of them to be in constant contact or even sharing the same space, resulting in interculturality. It creates, then, the need of promoting actions that are able not only to "read" these different realities, but also to value and preserve the languages and their respective cultures, having the school as the main promoter of these actions. In Rio Grande do Sul, as a cultural product and manifestation of traditions' representation, the regional (gaucho) songs carry many cultural and linguistic marks: border experiences, country life, history facts, beyond the Spanish words' loans into Portuguese. As an example, we highlight César Oliveira and Rogério Melo's songs, which will serve as corpus for the present investigation. The language contact goes beyond mere contact between two languages, promoting exchanges between cultures and, as a result, the subjects involved end up "incorporating" both linguistic and cultural aspects. Thus, this proposal aims to discuss the notion of linguistic diversity and cultural pluralism in a lexical perspective.
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