Linguistic Variation in Textbook of Middle School: Proposals and Treatment
Proposals, Linguistic Variation, Textbook.Abstract
In this article, we aim to discuss some of the proposals to work with the linguistic variation in the formal schooling of mother tongue, and analyze how this phenomenon is seen by the textbook Vontade de saber português (ALVES: BRUGNEROTTO, 2012), more precisely on the volume directed to the students of the sixth grade of public education. To do so, we observe some of the approaches to teach linguistic variation provided by the PCN (BRASIL, 1998) and PNLD (BRASIL, 2014) putting them in parallel with the treatment of the linguistic variation on the referred textbook. Based on the analysis, we noticed that, even though we have progressed significantly when it comes about the elaboration of approaches for the linguistic variation in textbooks and, consequently, in the classroom, it is still possible to find some gaps and even mismatching on the way the linguistic variation is seen by such materials. This way, we comprehend that the approach of one of the most important mechanisms of natural language has been compromised.
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