Intertextuality and reading comprehension: teaching reading with the support of technology
Reading comprehension, Intertextuality, Learning object, FableAbstract
The aims of this work is to demonstrate how the technology can support teaching, presenting a learning object for teaching reading. In this sense, the learning object entitled Fables Revisited, part of the idea that reading comprehension is central and essential factor in Portuguese classes and that the school is responsible for promoting the expansion of prior knowledge of the student, making it able to interpret different texts circulating socially. Therefore, the learning object in question intends to develop this skill from the intertextuality. It presents blocks of activities organized around five fables in which the original text is confronted with other texts with him dialogue. It is expected that students recognize the role of prior knowledge for effective reading comprehension, as well the clues identifying the dialogue between texts and the meanings from it resulting.
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