VS order in imperative sentences of Brazilian Portuguese
VS order, Imperative sentences, Syntax-pragmatics interface, Verb movement.Abstract
This paper discusses some aspects of VS order in Brazilian Portuguese (BP) within imperative sentences. On one hand, Rivero (1994), Han (2001), Zeijlstra (2006) and others assume that VS order in imperatives derives from Verb movement to C° to check an [+imperative] feature, crossing the subject in Spec,TP. On the other hand, research on word order in BP demonstrates that VS in declarative and interrogative sentences became restricted due to the loss of °-to-C° movement. However, VS is still productive in BP imperative sentences, even with verbs of multiple arguments. This situation may suggest the hypothesis that BP has lost V°-to-C° movement in declaratives and interrogatives, but not in imperatives. To test this hypothesis, we analyze some pragmatic contexts of imperative use. Our results show that: (i) BP imperative verbs remain in T°; (ii) VS order in imperatives is actually a case of V(O)S order even in sentences with apparent VSO order; (iii) the subject position doesn’t result from verb movement, but rather from focalization processes.
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