Pressupposition and present subjunctive mood variation


  • Tatiana Schwochow Pimpão Universidade Federal do Rio Grande



Pressupposition, Subjunctive, Indicative.


This research investigates the presupposition in three contexts of variation between the present of the subjunctive and of the indicative modes (concessive clauses introduced by embora, apesar de que and se bem que; causal clauses introduced by não; and parenthetical clauses) obtained from one speech data sample: 24 interviews from the city of Florianópolis/SC and 24 interviews from the city of Lages/SC (VARSUL Project Data Base). The first goal is to gather linguistic contexts for expressing, in communicative interaction, a pragmatic value and for being used as a correction strategies; and the second one is to provide a functionalist treatment for variable use of the present of the subjunctive and the indicative mood in the contexts under analysis. We aim at defending that the propriety of correcting presupposition is manifested in these types of clauses, mainly with verbs in the present of indicative. The present of subjunctive is retained in context of subordinating mood (embora) and in some causal clauses (não (é) que).


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How to Cite

Pimpão, T. S. (2015). Pressupposition and present subjunctive mood variation. Letrônica, 8(2), 376–390.