Comprou, levou? Juxtaposition: common syntactic procedure in advertisements
Juxtaposition, Relational proposition, Functionalism.Abstract
In this article, we intend to defend the hypothesis that the juxtaposition can be viewed as a syntactic procedure, which is not restricted to the compound period for independent clause and, further, not simply as a subtype of the coordination process - the asyndetic coordination clause. It is based on the notion of semantic interdependence and the prosodic aspects as contour intonation and pauses to differentiate cases of coordination of juxtaposition. The theoretical approach involves functionalist authors such as Mann & Thompson (1986), Decat (2001) and Sandmann (2010) in the advertising area, to name a few. The (65) sixty-five analyzed pieces of data were collected from portfolios of advertising agencies linked to the Brazilian Association of Advertising Agencies (ABAP).
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