The literature under Cain’s sign: the cursed geniuses
Cursed poets, Melancholy, Genius, Romanticism, Modernity.Abstract
This paper aims to delineate a mythical and historical path of the poetry as curse, seeking to relate the parable of Abel and Cain with the ethos of modern literature. Therefore, at first, the idea is to verify how the poets are descendants of Cain, the outcast fratricide. In a second moment, we seek to identify a relation between creative genius and melancholy/disease. Finally, analyzing the cases of Balzac and Rimbaud, it’s possible to note some motifs of the accursed poetry: pride, rebellion, Satanism and melancholy. We emphasize that, to the literary and theoretical discourse, it will be given the same value, i.e., poetry takes the status of theory, and vice versa.
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