Virtue and epistolary form: a reading of Pamela, or virtue rewarded


  • Felipe Vale da Silva Universidade de São Paulo



Epistolary Novel, Enlightenment, Samuel Richardson, Sentimentalism, Critique.


The article analyzes the use of epistolary form and the approach to the concept of virtue in Samuel Richardson’s Pamela, or virtue rewarded (1740). In spite of Richardson’s undeniable importance to European literature, still very few is said about his role within the debates on moral philosophy crucial to the development of the social criticism of the Enlightenment. Understanding Richardson’s work, thus, in its singularity and in the light of more recent studies on the 18th Century is the way in which I intend to contribute with the studies of the novel of the


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Author Biography

Felipe Vale da Silva, Universidade de São Paulo

Doutorando em Letras (Literatura Alemã) pela Universidade de São Paulo e bolsista CNPQ


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How to Cite

Silva, F. V. da. (2015). Virtue and epistolary form: a reading of Pamela, or virtue rewarded. Letrônica, 8(1), 168–181.