Imaginary journeys on “Primeiras Estórias” by Guimarães Rosa
Journeys, Infant universe, Narrator.Abstract
The aim of this paper is to analyze the theme of travel in the work Primeiras Estórias (1972) by Guimarães Rosa, more specifically, in the tales "Pirlimpsiquice", "Partida do audaz navegante" and "Nenhum, nenhuma." The versions of the piece in "Pirlimpsiquice" as well as the new modifications of the character Brejeirinha to the history of the daring navigator are part of the journey to the world of invention and creative freedom. In "Nenhum, nenhuma," the enigma of the journey is to be able to not precise if the described space corresponds to a location visited by the boy or the visions of a dream of the adult narrator who tries to unite the wires of the past and frame the essence of time. The imaginary of the child is revealed when stories are created and the journey becomes the indentation in the infant universe. The reflections are supported by studies of the narrator and maintain dialogues with the critical essays on the work of Guimarães Rosa.Downloads
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