Identities: threads of memory in the contemporary labyrinth
Imaginary, Memory, Labyrinth, Hero’s trajectory, Caio Fernando Abreu.Abstract
The present work is related to the research group "Crítica e imaginário na literature sul-rio-grandense”. This article analyses the novel Onde andará Dulce Veiga? By Caio Fernando Abreu on the perspective of the narrative´s construction which translates the hero´s trajectory, in a symbolic dimension. The analysis is a rereading of the labyrinth myth, showing the main character’s pilgrimagein his labyrinthine path in a Brazilian metropolis. The analysis shows how the contemporarywork in its symbolic construction, represents the paths of the hero´s adventure, as well as identifying in the work the images that unveil the contemporary subject searching for the notion of identity through the recuperation of the memories.Downloads
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