About the conjuration that underlies the apparent functioning of reality


  • Daniel M. Laks PUC-Rio


Conspiracy, Novel, Market, Narrative genre.


The present work proposes a reading of the narrative structure of the Novel based on the concept of conspiracy, as established by Ricardo Piglia in 2009. This secret conjuration which underlies the apparent functioning of reality replaces the fatalistic notion of destiny present in Greek classic tragedy, introducing politics in the Novel under the form of human articulations. In addition to the function of the conspiracy in the development of the narrative, this essay proposes the approximation of the idea of an extreme exacerbation of the possibilities of human articulation to the considerations proposed by Gilles Lipovetsky about the consequences of the time of the hyper individualism. The game of associations that sets the structure of the plot intend to work as a indirect way, provided with the necessary distance to unveil what the logic of the organizations of the liberal system hides, functioning as a possible tool to investigate the current reconfigurations of the relationship between literature and market.


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How to Cite

Laks, D. M. (2013). About the conjuration that underlies the apparent functioning of reality. Letrônica, 6(1), 358–368. Retrieved from https://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/letronica/article/view/13306