A note about the noise: the communicative action theory as critic from a cybernetic interpretation


  • Estevan de Negreiros Ketzer PUCRS


knowledge, communicative action, subjectivity, cybernetic.


This article develop an epistemologic outlining about the articulation of the communicative action theory in front the perspectives from a cybernetic State that grows in the XX century first half. The communicative action theory problematizes the notion of subject and contradict cybernetic models to propose a reading that is in the same time rational and articulate with social demands. In this way the critic to scientificity from state models contain too a critic to the mind models inaugurated by the psychology, whose Habermas argue like instrumentals. Then, understands like first element of contact with the communicative action a orderer in the social relations’ ethic, what possibility a good performance for social politics more egalitarians.


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Author Biography

Estevan de Negreiros Ketzer, PUCRS

Psicólogo pela PUCRS (2010). É mestrando em Letras, área de concentração Teoria da Literatura. Atua nos seguintes grupos de pesquisa: "Literatura, História e Teorias do Imaginário", coordenado pela professora Ana Maria Lisboa de Mello; e no grupo "Limiares comparatistas e diásporas disciplinares: estudo da paisagem na conteporaneidade", coordenado pelo professor Ricardo Araújo Barberena.



How to Cite

de Negreiros Ketzer, E. (2013). A note about the noise: the communicative action theory as critic from a cybernetic interpretation. Letrônica, 5(3), 218–237. Retrieved from https://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/letronica/article/view/12166