The Jornal Nacional and the survival strategies of economic and political the Globo in the context of the military dictatorship


  • Itania Maria Mota Gomes Universidade Federal da Bahia



Jornal Nacional, TV Globo, Military Dictatorship


The article proposes to examine the historical relationship of the political and economic dependency / independence of Brazilian television, through a case study, the Globo TV and its main newscast, Jornal Nacional, older program featured on Brazilian television. On the air since September 1, 1969, the National Journal can be understood as a product of the joint between the interests of political and economic elite and the political and economic interests of the military that marked the 1960s and 1970s, who is also the period consolidation of a cultural market in Brazil. We argue that the consolidation of Brazilian television is associated with the military government (1964-1985), the Doctrine of National Security and Development and the idea of national integration and noticed the political and economic movements fundamental to the consolidation of TV Globo, among them the creation their standard of quality Globo, a composition of economic strategies, commercial, political, technological, productive and aesthetic that demonstrates that the Globe was at the time of consolidation of television in Brazil, the broadcaster who best realized the potential of the vehicle and that best met the economic and political conditions to transform their program into an object of mass consumption.


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Author Biography

Itania Maria Mota Gomes, Universidade Federal da Bahia



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How to Cite

Gomes, I. M. M. (2010). The Jornal Nacional and the survival strategies of economic and political the Globo in the context of the military dictatorship. Revista FAMECOS, 17(2), 5–14.



Dossier Dictatorship