The dread of the flesh: risks of purity and sacrifice in the contemporary body-image


  • Paula Sibilia Federal University of Rio de Janeiro



Communication, body, appearance


The article portrays the current uplift of the human body. The last great refuge of subjectivity, the body is stubbornly subjected to a whole series of epidermal design strategies that point to the cultivation of "good appearances", in an era in which visibility and recognition in the eyes of others are fundamental in the definition of what each one and.


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Author Biography

Paula Sibilia, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Graduated in Communication Sciences and Anthropology at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA, 1992), a Master's degree in Communication at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF, 2002), a doctorate in Communication at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ, 2007) In Collective Health at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ, 2006). She is currently an adjunct professor at the Federal Fluminense University, in the Graduate Program in Communication and in the Department of Cultural Studies and Media.


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How to Cite

Sibilia, P. (2008). The dread of the flesh: risks of purity and sacrifice in the contemporary body-image. Revista FAMECOS, 11(25), 68–84.



Art and Cyberculture