Margins of the World: the periphery in the theories of contemporary


  • Angela Prysthon Pernambuco Federal University



Cultural studies, Contemporaneity, Peripheral culture


The objective of this text is to discuss the concept of “periphery” using contemporary theories of cultural studies, taking into account the obsolescence of notions such as “inside” and “outside “ and the descentering of the subject, emphasising instead concepts such as gaming, hybridism and artifi ciality in relation to the idea of “peripheral culture”.


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Author Biography

Angela Prysthon, Pernambuco Federal University

Professora da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco


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How to Cite

Prysthon, A. (2008). Margins of the World: the periphery in the theories of contemporary. Revista FAMECOS, 10(21), 43–50.



Communication and Culture