The virtuality as re-enchantment of learning


  • Dulci Boettcher Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul



New Technologies, Internet, Reenchantment


This article deals with some of the author’s reflections on the use of
new information technologies and their relationship to human subjects.
The experience the author lived in a multimedia environment,
using the Internet, allowed her to observe significant changes in the
knowledge/subjectivity of the participants, considering the involvement
of the totality of the being in virtuality, that is, in the tangle of both
his/her rational and amotional dimensions, thus aggregating quality
to the subject’s life, and in that way bringing back the enchament lost
due to traditional education.


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Author Biography

Dulci Boettcher, Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul

Professora da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul


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How to Cite

Boettcher, D. (2008). The virtuality as re-enchantment of learning. Revista FAMECOS, 9(19), 81–87.



New Technologies