New communication scenarios in the context of interactive media: the spreadable media


  • Edson Fernando Dalmonte Universidade Federal da Bahia



Social networks, Interaction, Recirculation


Within the current reality of mass media, there exists an objective to verify the possibilities of individual participation in discussions and his/her social visibility. In the context of the recirculation of information via social networks, considerations about the levels of participation of the reader/ receiver in the construction and broadcast of information were made. In a specific way, the interaction between levels of television products of conventional TV and social networking sites were discussed here, with the following objectives: a) to question synchronous and asynchronous audience patterns b) to verify indicatives of strengthening the audience, and c) to verify distinct uses distant from suggested protocols by production limits. The survey shows a strong indication to the media engagement via chat networks established between television programming consumers. Keywords: Social networks. Interaction.


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Author Biography

Edson Fernando Dalmonte, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Doutor em Comunicação, professor de Comunicação e Ética e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação e Cultura Contemporâneas, Faculdade de Comunicação, Universidade Federal da Bahia. Coordenador do Analítica: Crítica de mídia, Estética e Produtos Midiáticos.


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How to Cite

Dalmonte, E. F. (2015). New communication scenarios in the context of interactive media: the spreadable media. Revista FAMECOS, 22(2), 99–114.


