Power of the formations: the artist, the king, the queen, the painting, the movie...


  • Potiguara Mendes da Silveira Jr. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora




Theories of communication, General power theory, New psychoanalysis


Exposition of the polar theory of formations, presented by New Psychoanalysis, and its imbrications with the theory of knowledge named Gnomics, with the communication theory named Transformatics, and with the proposal of a general theory of power (power considered bottom-up and as a verb). Case studies on: Velázquez in the seventeenth century Spanish court of King Phillip IV; Francis Bacon in 1945’s England; Lucian Freud painting the Queen’s portrait in 2001; and the movie The Queen, by Stephen Frears, in 2006. The objective is to research the theory of formations’ utility to the communication studies.


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Author Biography

Potiguara Mendes da Silveira Jr., Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora



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How to Cite

Mendes da Silveira Jr., P. (2014). Power of the formations: the artist, the king, the queen, the painting, the movie. Revista FAMECOS, 21(1), 165–185. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-3729.2014.1.14077



Communication Theories