Societal transformations and mutations of educational and cultural systems: comparative approach East/West


  • Georges Bertin CNAM do Pays de la Loire



Education, Societies, Imaginaries


The societies of the village planet are today confronted with fast and irreversible changes. They interrogate so radically, the relations of education systems with their sociopolitical environments. After the passage of traditional societies, marked by the community ideia and ordained by codes of logosphere, for those of Modernity, sustained by the relationship with States Nation and sorted by codes of logosphere, for those of Modernity, sustained by the relationship with the United Nation and the related grafosfera organizing a lifetime of intellectual and institutional, we live now, a new mutation in a postmodernity of multiple references, in the plurality of ways of belonging and expression, accelerated by the networks in the time of galaxy internet. In that spirit, the question of relations East/West is perhaps one of the possible keys to rethink the education system as cultural and intracultural. We shall examine, in this sense, the epistemological rupture of the end of the XII century, when “the West chooses his destiny Faustian” (Durand), and, based on the analysis of contemporary socioantropology, try to establish in relation to contemporary breaks that found in the social sphere that of the codes and languages to show their implications on social imaginaries in action, between East and West, which force us to reconsider now plural educational systems.


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Author Biography

Georges Bertin, CNAM do Pays de la Loire

Professor do CNAM do Pays de la Loire


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How to Cite

Bertin, G. (2013). Societal transformations and mutations of educational and cultural systems: comparative approach East/West. Revista FAMECOS, 19(3), 607–629.



Intercultural communication - Partnership Revue Esprit Critique Part I