New temporalities in the TV flow: notes on reconfigurations of the experience of watching television


  • Simone Maria Rocha UFMG
  • Vanessa Rodrigues de Lacerda e Silva UFMG



Cultural analysis, television flow, TV experience


Our purpose is to discuss the reorganization of a segment of the flow of Globo TV – from 18 to 23 hours – by perceiving changes in the temporalities of the elements that compose it, and its possible ramifications on the experience of watching television. We will argue both shortening of production already established as serial fiction as the creation of new formats of short duration, such as so-called “macrosséries”. Methodologically, we will adopt the principles of cultural analysis of television genre as proposed by Jason Mittell (2004). Our study alligns with Mittell’s perspective that cultural practices are constitutive of media practices. We will conclude that changes in flow produce changes in the ways of watching TV.


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How to Cite

Rocha, S. M., & e Silva, V. R. de L. (2012). New temporalities in the TV flow: notes on reconfigurations of the experience of watching television. Revista FAMECOS, 19(1), 189–207.


