Learning Projects in the Perspective of Hybridism and Multimodality in the Context of Pedagogy Parfor: engage to Learn





Parfor. Pedagogy. Learning projects. Hybridism. Multimodality.


It is common, when I teach academic activities that approach the digital technologies, that the students initially bring in the speech: “this can not do”, “at school does not have equipment”, “the lab can not be used”, etc. This shows that there is often a resistance to rethinking their practices and adopting new ways of teaching, considering the students who are into the classroom. The research problem is to understand how PARFOR Pedagogy students take ownership of digital technologies through the engagement and development of learning projects from the  perspective of hybridism and multimodality, providing the reinvention of their teaching practice? In order to answer such question, the methodology is configured as qualitative, of an applied nature and will perform a discursive textual analysis (MORAES, 2003) of the productions of the students in the activities carried out during the semester. As the main results, the data showed a good understanding and a strong commitment of the students in the methodology of learning projects and, with this, the overcoming of the resistance in relation to the digital technologies innovating in the pedagogical practices considering hybridity and multimodality.


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How to Cite

Locatelli, E. L. (2019). Learning Projects in the Perspective of Hybridism and Multimodality in the Context of Pedagogy Parfor: engage to Learn. Educação Por Escrito, 10(1), e31569. https://doi.org/10.15448/2179-8435.2019.1.31569


