Approximations between the philosophy of difference and teaching of the Mathematic for all




School inclusion. Philosophy of Difference. Mathematic education. Teaching for all.


Deleuze, inspired by Bergson’s works, presents the concept of difference itself by reversing the Platonic thinking, dedicated to the search for the similarity when claiming the necessity to create models to be followed. Even though the philosopher didn’t create concepts thinking specifically in the school, when he considers each person as a single one, his Philosophy deconstructs all kinds of negation of the right to difference, which are ways of excluding those who are unfairly considered different. It is through the study of the reasons, unfounded, that it is intended to justify a categorization and exclusion of some students, that we will be able to propose a teaching, in fact, for all. The Mathematic is still conceived as an isolated discipline, of reach of only a portion of the students, supposedly, are able to understand it. From this perspective, still so present in schools, many students are excluded. In this text, I present a Doctoral research in progress that has a training teacher of Basic Education in service as its raw material of investigation. The approximations between Deleuzean Philosophy and teaching of Mathematic have caused changes of conceptions and actions of the participating teachers.


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Author Biography

José Eduardo de Oliveira Evangelista Lanuti, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Três Lagoas, MS

Doutor em Educação pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brasil). Professor da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Três Lagoas, MS.


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How to Cite

Lanuti, J. E. de O. E. (2020). Approximations between the philosophy of difference and teaching of the Mathematic for all. Educação Por Escrito, 10(2), e30767.


