Internationalization experience and human development between Colômbia-Brasil




internationalization, human development, lived experience.


Internationalization, as part of cultural processes, used by higher education institutions in the world, to stablish new exchange networks, coordination and cooperation is gradually integrated into its substantive functions of teaching, research and extension, and is aimed at generating higher levels of global competitiveness. Taking into account these elements, and using the research model based on the notion of lived experience, proposed by Van Manen (2003), is exposed on this analysis, the importance of making the ontological implications involved visible, this process, that product itself, it is possible to highlight fundamental aspects of human development, such as re meaning of reality, knowledge, personality and professional education. The article is the result of the experience in internationalization processes brought about in different areas of vocational training (doctoral internship, Ph.D.), between institutions in Brazil and Colombia, and demonstrates the importance of taking internationalization as a necessary instance to promote the human development and a process of continuous construction of being, through the dynamics of the relationships that allows, with himself, with others and with culture.


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Author Biography

Adriana Pineda Robayo, Centro Universitario La Salle

Departamento de Educación Área Formación de Profesores


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How to Cite

Robayo, A. P. (2016). Internationalization experience and human development between Colômbia-Brasil. Educação Por Escrito, 7(2), 158–168.