E-book on Educational Technology Education: an investigation into the use of Apps in the written production






E-book. Written production. Applications. Gadgets. Tablets.


This article analyzes and discusses the potential use of application (Apps) available for tablets that have led to cognitive and technological development from a digital writing project with children of basic education. The study is of qualitative nature, exploratory and it is classified as a case’s study. It was used as a tool for data collection observation and semi-structured questionnaire. It was found that the Apps are selected through a rigorous evaluation, and it is believed that these technological teaching resources can be an alternative to produce illustrations and texts involving topics in educational projects that require children skills related to creativity, capacity to take appropriate decisions, collaboration, communication and critical thinking. In  this context, part of the findings contained in the daily feedback are analized, after application of the teaching sequence developed by Educational Technology sector (TE), responsible for planning, organizing, implementing and monitoring the pedagogical projects involving field between technology and education.


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How to Cite

Valletta, D. (2015). E-book on Educational Technology Education: an investigation into the use of Apps in the written production. Educação Por Escrito, 6(2), 278–292. https://doi.org/10.15448/2179-8435.2015.2.20887