Preoccupation with the integration of knowledge across of the curriculum has increased


  • Emerson Bianchini Estivalete Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul



education, curriculum, integration of knowledge.


Assuming that it is possible to believe in a pedagogical practice that allows the integration of real knowledge, the present article seeks to elucidate the state of knowledge concerning the necessity of constant pursuit of educational processes involved in this integration. From the belief that this is an ideal to be pursued, especially in relation to curricular organizations, this study aims at examining not only how, but also the contexts in which issues surrounding the organization of the integrated curriculum are being addressed in scientific papers. The construction methodology of the state of knowledge about the theme was based on the survey of publications available in ANPEd site as well as in the Bank of CAPES thesis. The survey indicates that, over the years, the interest of the academic community in the topic of integration of knowledge across the curriculum has increased, given the number of studies found that propose reflections on the subject.


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How to Cite

Estivalete, E. B. (2016). Preoccupation with the integration of knowledge across of the curriculum has increased. Educação Por Escrito, 7(1), 34–46.


