Epistemology in hipertext: not for reading and writing between dichotomy


  • Dinora Moraes de Fraga USP, UNIRITTER




Hypertext, Totality, Fragment, System, Process.


We inserted the notion of wholeness and fragment in the place of the epistemological system of the conceptual universe of this text for the understanding of all the work done with the textuality of the digital language. We involved in this aspect, mainly, the work with digital media or the use of internet and other communication technologies programs made possible by the computer.


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Author Biography

Dinora Moraes de Fraga, USP, UNIRITTER

Dra em linguistica e semiotica pela USP< Professora  do programa de pos graduação em letras ,no centro universitario Ritter dos Reis


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How to Cite

Fraga, D. M. de. (2015). Epistemology in hipertext: not for reading and writing between dichotomy. Educação Por Escrito, 6(2), 231–237. https://doi.org/10.15448/2179-8435.2015.2.15727