Economic planning and development strategies during the MAS governments in Bolivia (2006-2019)




Bolivian economic history, socialist economic planning, economic development, MAS, Evo Morales


The article provides an overview of the economic policy of the MAS governments since the rise of Evo Morales in 2006, considering old ECLAC developmental theories – evaluating their possible proximity – but also of dialogues with the theses on economic planning of a state and socialist nature. The objective was to debate whether there were similarities between economic development strategies from the state, a revival of old statist and nationalist economic theses, or whether there was the elaboration of a new and original development strategy with community characteristics and self-regulation close to a so-called “Andean capitalism.” The first part of the text rescues debates about historical contexts on the development strategies and economic planning in Bolivia and other countries with common challenges. The text analyses the Bolivian experience since the 1952 revolution and the 1971 La Paz commune and the proposals suggested by the MAS and its prominent leaders. Taking these questions into account, we seek to analyze some possible results and balances on the economic initiatives of the MAS governments from 2006 onwards, with primary references to the National Development Plan of 2007 and the new constitution of 2009.


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Author Biography

Everaldo de Oliveira Andrade, University of São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, Brazil.

Professor of Contemporary History in the Department of History at FFLCH/USP, director of the Sérgio Buarque de Holanda Historical Research Support Center (CAPH) at FFLCH/USP, member of the Board of ANPUH/SP and member of the Board of Trustees of the Perseu Abramo Foundation. He works as a professor in the postgraduate programs in Economic History and Social History at USP. He is currently a visiting professor at the Complutense University of Madrid. He has published several books and articles in the areas of Latin American history, economic and contemporary history.


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How to Cite

de Oliveira Andrade, E. (2024). Economic planning and development strategies during the MAS governments in Bolivia (2006-2019). Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 50(1), e45546.